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About us

Carriers of His Glory Experiencing the Manifest Presence of God



(a)Enlisting, Encouraging,  Empowering believers to Carry the Glory of God through intercessory prayer.


(b) To Enlist intercessors, Encourage a life a prayer through partnership, and Empower believers that we are Carriers of God’s glory

© To enlist an army of intercessors by encouraging believers to pray for the needs of others,

Empowering them to carry the Glory of God through the demonstration of His love and power




To see the glory of God, fill the earth through fervent intercessory prayer, transforming lives one person, in one city, one nation at a time

To experience the manifest presence of God, producing signs and wonders as we become reflectors and releasers of God’s Glory.

To demonstrate the love and power of God to the world (feeding the hungry, assisting widows and orphans, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ



We are on The Move, It’s Time to Go


Carriers of His Glory – Prayer Conference will move from state to state, city to city and nation to nation partnering with churches and civic organizations to meet people where they are. Heeding E.M Bounds words and holding more firmly to our Christian duty of evangelizing the world - By the power of the Holy Spirit we will use skillfully, the Word, Worship, Prayer to reflect God’s Glory in the darkness of this world.


Will you join this Global Initiative as we truly Manifest, who we are  - Carriers of His Glory!

This is our mandate: Go into all the world and preach the gospel. These signs will follow us:  The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the lame will walk.  For we have been anointed to feed the hungry, to free  the oppressed. Let God’s Kingdom come on the streets of Atlanta, in every corner of North and South Korea – Let His Kingdom come on the storm-ravaged streets of Houston Texas, Let His Kingdom come  to the war-torn streets of Syria and Gaza. Let His Kingdom come to the lava hit hills of Hawaii.


LORD, Let YOUR Kingdom come to the sun-parched streets of Nairobi, Kenya. Let YOUR Kingdom come to the rolling hills and glittering lights of Hollywood California , Let Your KINGDOM COME TO THE swamp infested jungles of the Amazon. Let your Kingdom come to the corrupt halls of the capitals of the world. For thine IS THE KINGDOM, THE POWER AND THE GLORY.



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